The Do’s and Don’ts of Exfoliation

Most of us are familiar with the concept of exfoliation and its benefits. Exfoliation is the process of removing dead skin cells from the outer layer of skin, and it can be a great way to keep skin looking healthy,glowing, and renewed. Exfoliation has added benefits as well, such as increasing blood circulation and helping to absorb other skincare products like moisturizers or serums. Even with all these benefits, however, there are some downsides. Exfoliating too often, too aggressively, or with the wrong products can damage sensitive skin, leaving it dry, inflamed, and irritated. To get the most out of your exfoliating routine while avoiding the pitfalls of improper exfoliation, the American Academy of Dermatology(ADA) suggests keeping in mind the following do’s and don’ts. Do: Be Aware of the Effects of Your Current Skincare Products Some skincare products or prescription medications can cause your face, neck, chest, and back to be extremely sensitive and mo...