Tips to Speed Up Your Morning Routine

While in an ideal world we’d all be able to roll out of bed gracefully before the alarm, hit the gym, jump in the shower, and get ready just in time to get to work early—for most of us, that’s just not the case. Even if you’re someone who can get out of bed without hitting snooze, if your morning routine isn’t a well-oiled machine, then you might start every day in a bit of a rush. Nailing down the perfect morning routine isn't impossible if you make a few changes and add in a couple of contingency steps to make sure you never forget something again. Here are some tips to help speed up your morning routine, so you start every day rested, rejuvenated, and ready to conquer your goals for the day. It Starts the Night Before Have you considered that maybe not everything needs to be done in the morning? Things like shaving or showering are perfectly suitable nighttime activities, and with more time, you won't need to rush. After all, your body buffer wor...