The Best Skincare Habits to Keep Up This Summer

Habits. We all have them, and it seems like we focus more on the bad ones we want to break instead of the good ones we could pick up. What if you could leverage the science and power of habits by creating good ones? You could follow a strict morning regimen, read more, be more productive during the day, and so much more. You know your friend with the seemingly always flawless skin? She probably does a lot to keep it that way, but it’s easy since she has developed good habits. Want to be like her? Here are a few positive skincare habits to have this summer. Use Sunscreen Like a Cosmetic Essential Although it adds an extra step, wearing sunscreen, especially in the summer, is vital for healthy skin. It seems like a hassle, but if you can make it a habit to start your look with a layer of SPF protection, your skin will thank you, and you won’t burn this summer. As a bonus, use makeup products with extra SPF protection to keep your skin safe and healthy. ...