Make It Through the Winter Blues with These Wellness and Skincare Tips

Winter can be a wonderful time of year. It’s full of popular holidays, and it’s when you can break out your mittens, skis, snowmobiles, and do all sorts of fun winter activities. That is, if you are, in fact, a winter person . Not everyone is, and if you’re among the many who lock themselves inside and patiently count the days until spring, you might be dealing with a case of the winter blues. Body Buffer There is hope, however, and you don’t have to give up and hide away until the season passes. Here are a few wellness and skincare tips that will keep you energized and feeling your best all the way to spring. Moisturize Often Along with making us feel like we’re trapped in our cozy cocoons, winter has a habit of drying our skin out. Even when you bundle up, there’s still the chance that winter’s chilly, drying air will wreak havoc on our skin, especially on our hands and faces. To fight against it, you need to moisturize as often as you can. Even if you aren...