How to Pamper Yourself After a Long Day at Work

There’s no denying that the workweek can be stressful, and some days seem to drag on more than others. Even if you love your job and how you spend your time from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., sometimes deadlines pile up, or a big project goes wrong, and you just can’t seem to let the stress go. Body Buffer Over time, this kind of stress can add up, and it can get harder to leave work at work. Reclaiming your relaxation time is an important part of keeping a steady work-life balance, and it can be easier than you think if you pamper yourself and make time to relax often. Here are a few ways to unwind after a long day at work. Block Out Relaxation Time Schedules can seem to rule our lives. They help us stay organized while bouncing from meeting to meeting, but it’s easy to fill your calendar with too much stress. If looking at your calendar causes stress, why not flip the script and pencil in a little relaxation time? Even if you have just 15 to 30 minutes to spare at t...