Don’t Let That Summer Glow Go: Skincare Tips for a Glow That Lasts Well Into Fall

It may feel like summer will never end—but before you know it, it’s going to be pumpkin patch season. If you’ve gotten a summer glow, you should start prepping your skincare regimen now before the seasons change. Here are a few skincare tips and more to keep in mind as the summer season winds down to help you gracefully fade into fall.

Stay Hydrated

It might go without saying, but staying hydrated is key for skin health and your overall health. While you’re out and about in the sun, don’t forget to bring a bottle of water with you and make sure that you’re drinking enough of it. Staying properly hydrated will prevent heat exhaustion, and can promote healthier skin—exactly what you need for an eternal glow.

Exfoliate for a Graceful Fade

Exfoliating is something that most of us know we need to do, but probably don’t do nearly enough. Regular exfoliation removes excess dead skin and helps moisturizers soak deeply into your skin, encouraging hydrated, radiant skin.

If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to exfoliate, consider a body buffer made especially for nourishing your skin. The Body Buffers found in the Spongology Collection by Spongellé, for example, are made to gently exfoliate your skin while releasing the built-in moisturizing body wash. With a shower tool like that, you could achieve smooth, soft skin no matter the time of the year.

Feel the Burn for Better Skin

No, we’re not talking about a sunburn, but rather burning calories in the gym. Whether you like to go to spin class, do hot yoga, or pump iron, exercise promotes circulation—which is key to keeping an energized, youthful glow. As a pro tip, make sure that you’re working out without makeup on or any heavy products. Otherwise, when your sweat starts mixing with the product, it can clog your pores, causing an entirely different set of problems to deal with.

Feed Your Glow Every Morning

Another secret to keeping a healthy glow is feeding and nourishing your skin. One of the main reasons that you get that glow in the first place is because your skin is exposed to more vitamin D. You should use products that will help replenish and nourish your skin every morning. You should also consider the body wash you use. If you want to save time and take care of your skin, switch to a bath sponge with a nourishing, built-in gentle cleanser. Keep feeding your skin the nourishment it needs year-round.

About Spongellé

Take your bathing experience to the next level with the luxurious essentials from Spongellé. They specialize in premium bath essentials like the ones found in their eco-friendly Spongology Body Buffer Collection. With a Body Buffer from Spongellé you can cleanse, massage, exfoliate, and nourish your skin all at once. They also offer a ton of other products like bath sponges, body soufflés, diffusers, and more. Spongellé goes to great lengths to create enticing scents for all of their products, including their Body Wash Infused Buffers®. They offer their exfoliating bath sponges in a variety of different scents and sizes to meet your needs.

Shop their line of bath essentials at


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