4 Skincare Resolutions to Keep This Year

The new year is here, and if you’re like most, you’re busy creating your latest resolutions. From eating healthier to reading more books or heading back to the gym, we all have our unique goals. For many, it helps to categorize them, and one category that you should undoubtedly include on your list is skincare. Our skin requires maintenance, with some people needing a more tailored skincare routine than others. Body Buffer Even so, we could all do better, no matter how perfect you might think your current routine is. Here are four skincare resolutions to keep this year for healthy, happy, glowing skin all year long. Replace Your Bath Products Regularly When was the last time you replaced your loofah? Chances are it’s been far too long, as many experts recommend replacing natural ones every three to four weeks or plastic ones at least every two months if properly cared for. Wet, hanging loofahs are breeding grounds for all sorts of nasty stuff and n...