4 Skincare Resolutions to Keep This Year

The new year is here, and if you’re like most, you’re busy creating your latest resolutions. From eating healthier to reading more books or heading back to the gym, we all have our unique goals. For many, it helps to categorize them, and one category that you should undoubtedly include on your list is skincare. Our skin requires maintenance, with some people needing a more tailored skincare routine than others.

Body Buffer

Even so, we could all do better, no matter how perfect you might think your current routine is. Here are four skincare resolutions to keep this year for healthy, happy, glowing skin all year long.

Replace Your Bath Products Regularly

When was the last time you replaced your loofah? Chances are it’s been far too long, as many experts recommend replacing natural ones every three to four weeks or plastic ones at least every two months if properly cared for. Wet, hanging loofahs are breeding grounds for all sorts of nasty stuff and not as clean as you might think. Instead, choose an easy solution like a body buffer infused with body wash. It’s so easy—once the infused body wash in the bath sponge is gone, simply move onto the next. That way, you’ll never neglect to change it again.

Consolidate Your Products for Quicker Mornings

Mornings can be pretty hectic. From going to the gym or making breakfast, it’s no surprise tons of us start every morning stressed about being late. One area you can add some efficiency to is your morning shower. Rather than having to deal with tons of products from body wash and soap to sponges, opt for a bath sponge that has it all built-in and activates with water. You’ll reduce the clutter in your shower and can get through your morning routine more speedily.

Exfoliate Regularly

Exfoliating is important for keeping our skin fresh and clean. When it comes to exfoliating, it’s important to consider more than just your face, as your arms, legs, and entire body is constantly shedding skin cells too. To speed up the process and keep skin happy, regularly use a body buffer that gently exfoliates as you shower. It can save you time, and if it comes with infused body wash, it’ll keep your skin clean too.

Try New Things

For some of us, we think of our skincare routines as set in stone. Once we try a product we like, we don’t ever change it. While there’s certainly nothing wrong with having your favorites, if you find something isn’t working for you, change it! You’d be surprised how many products are out there just waiting to become your new favorites. So, if you see something online that looks interesting, give it a try! 

About Spongellé

Tired of the same morning routine? Say hello to Spongellé and their selection of luxurious bath essentials. They’re most well-known for their bath sponge collection and eco-friendly Spongology Body Buffer line. What makes their products different than others is their infused body wash, activated by water, which features skin-loving ingredients to elevate your bathing experience while cleansing your skin. They offer a wide variety of fragrances too, ranging from fruity to warm, floral, and sweet, so you’re bound to find one—or more—you’ll love. Along with their Body Wash Infused Buffers®, Spongellé also offers hand creams, body soufflés, and more.

Browse Spongellé bath time essentials and more at Spongelle.com


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